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As part of the Department of Architecture and Urbanism from ISCTE-IUL, we present to you the summer course “Building in the South”.

Taking as its starting point the work in progress of the Master’s course, concerning the interventions in Sines, we considered appropriate to establish and launch a cycle of specific studies, working in a concentrated way, summer school format, where the concept, the criteria and the interventions outlines, in southern Portugal, can be debated and tested.

The characteristics of this territory, with Mediterranean influence, have been explored, at various times in history, as a synthesis laboratory of modern architectural culture. In the national plan, stands out the work done by George Kubler who, in the 1970s, delineated a concept about the South as a receptacle of influences from other cultural areas like Flanders or Spain - floor style, “among the spices from India and diamonds from Brazil”, corresponds to a response, concerning economic factors of political, military and religious order, which are materialized in the expression of a stripped-down architecture that emancipated on classical rules and academic standards, from the Italian treatises.

The South was also the elected territory by Raul Lino research, developed in the early twentieth century, in trips with Roque Gameiro, the pure state of expression of the southern architecture - fundamental argument of his work. More recently, the South was handled by architects like Siza Vieira, in Malagueira, or Vítor Figueiredo, in the University center of Mitra, as a conceptual support of an architectural itinerary where the long time expression, capable of uniting the past and the present, is materialized as unequivocal fundamental of the contemporary Portuguese architecture.

This summer course intends to embrace these concerns, involving students in a reflection and project development experimentation around the South territory, defined by its expression found in its population density, its extensive non-built-up areas and the monotony and horizontality of its geography.

The development of a critical reading on the theory of contemporary architecture will be the basis to equip the registered students with appropriate project development tools, essential to the practice of the profession, particularly in topics such as: implantation, typology, limit and dichotomy between light and shade.

The event will be held from June 27 to July 1st. The program is organized so that in the mornings, a set of oriented workshops will occur, which will be complemented with conferences around the central theme, performed by relevant guest speakers, in the afternoon periods.


Coordenação e organização,


Arquiteto Paulo Tormenta Pinto

NAU - Núcleo de Estudantes de Arquitectura e Urbanismo do ISCTE-IUL



BUINHAS, Marco (Ed.) (2006) Gonçalo Byrne, Geografias Vivas , Edições da Ordem dos Arquitectos Portugueses, Lisboa.
CURTIS, William (1994) “Álvaro Siza: Una Arquitectura de Bordes”, em El Corquis Álvaro Siza 1958-1994, Madrid.

DIAS, Manuel Graça (Coord.) (2001) JA- Jornal Arquitectos – A Arquitectura Chã Portuguesa, no 200, Março/Abril, Lisboa.
GRAÇA, João Luís Carrilho (2003) Carrilho da Graça,Opere e Progetti, Electa, Milão. Grande, Nuno (2009) “ Theatres of the world” em El Corquis Eduadro Souto de Moura

(2005-2009), Madrid.
LOPES, Diogo Seixas et al (2005) Aires Mateus, Almedina, Lisboa.
KUBLER, George (2005) A Arquitectura Portuguesa Chã – Entre as Especiarias e os Diamantes (1521-1706). 2a edição Nova Vega, Lisboa.
PINTO, Paulo Tormenta (2015) “Vítor Figueiredo, Habitações económicas para o maior número” em MALDONADO, Vanda; BORGES, Pedro Namorado (Eds.)- Vítor Figueiredo – Projectos e obras de Habitação Social 1960-1979, Circo de Ideias, Porto. ISBN 978-989-99184-1-2 (pág. 148-153). 

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